Junior Accelerated High School Summer Combine Series
Our Elite Junior Invitation only group programs will cover every bio-mechanical fundamental aspect of the game of golf. Including: (Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunker Play, Short Irons, Long Irons, Hybrids, Fairway metals, and Driving, Physical Conditioning, Stretching, Coordination, balance, and stability.)
This program is geared toward the confident, driven, committed new junior golfer who is looking for an accelerated instruction program that will quickly develop their skills and lead them towards a competitive Junior career & High School team player.
The series will be broken down into six, 1 hour classes per week. cost: $300 Per Student (covers facility fees, indoor Golf Dome, and professional fees.)
All classes are under the direction of Chuck Lynch a former Illinois PGA Teacher of the Year and a Golf Digest Top 10 Teacher in the State. Along with Senior PGA Instructor David Hannon.
Fall/Winter 2022 Schedule
6 Thursday's
Fall Junior Series
11/10, 11/17, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 12/22
MAX CLASS SIZE: limited to 12 Participants:
For more information call or text Chuck Lynch at 847-436-1652.
To register download the universal registration form.
Payments accepted are:
Cash, Check, or Credit (payable to Play Better Golf Inc.)
CC payments are subject to 3% convenience fee
Call or Text Chuck Lynch; Director of Instruction to make arrangements: 847.436.1652